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Rivi 1: Rivi 1:
The medical term dementia does not represent any 1 single illness. It is a term used to describe a medical condition that is characterised by a group of symptoms. Symptoms that are not a regular component of the ageing procedure. The situation can be simplistically defined as a decline in intellectual functioning so serious that the sufferer can not carry out routine activities and tasks.
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Dementia related ailments are brought on by the loss of brain chemicals and the degeneration of cerebral matter which occur when brain cells turn out to be broken and die with out replacement. That procedure subsequently leads to the brain retrogressing which induces a progressive loss of normal mental functions. The outcome is dementia. Alzheimer's illness is the commonest trigger of dementia although there are many other diseases that can lead to the situation.
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The term dementia usually implies a permanent state of mental confusion as opposed to delirium which describes a short-term mental disturbance. For this purpose it is fortunate that the degenerative disease generally happens later in life, rather than early, as it robs victims of the ability to think, keep in mind and purpose. Worst of all the condition is irreversible.
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The most noticeable traits of dementia are memory loss and confusion. Nevertheless, the failure of memory is of a distinctive type. The sufferer will really believe that events which took place many years earlier (50 to 70 years) had just occurred (displacement of time). The lengthy-term and emotional memories usually stay nicely preserved until late in the illness. Whereas the events in the instant previous will turn out to be extremely difficult (if not not possible) for the dementia sufferer to recall. Other traits common to the illness consist of irrationality, irritability, and restlessness.
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