Kalassa.net has been suffering from constant slowness and crashes for some time already. Last nail to a coffin was a network attack during Christmas time, which caused the server to die for good and corrupted the database. Since that, Pro Pilkki public host list has been working only time to time and network records have been completely offline. Sorry about that.
We have now done the following actions to get things back in order:
– Pro Pilkki host list and network records have been separated from kalassa.net and moved to a different server
– Kalassa.net has been set up from scratch to a new server
– Web page for browsing network records has been reverted back to it’s original lightweight form, with some usability enhancements
At the same time with all of this, beta test of Pro Pilkki 2 v1.1 has been ongoing for a while, both in PC and mobile platform.
Main new features:
– Server location changed for host list and network records
– Three new lakes
– Adjustments for fish getting away or snapping the line
– Some features to make life of hosts easier
Due to the change of the server, network records will be available only with a new version of the game. Host list, instead, continues to operate with old versions of the game as well. Though, old versions of the game require kalassa.net to be alive to access the host list.
Beta tests of version 1.1 have been progressing well, only a couple of small issues have been found so far. Looks like the release of v1.1 is not far away.
A bit pf patience and everything will be working better than ever.
Team Procyon
PS. At the same time with v1.1 beta tests, we have been beta-testing Pro Pilkki Linux host as well. Someone might have spotted it from the host list, it was visible there at some point. It is running perfectly well in Raspberry Pi (older model) as a Debian (Raspbian) daemon. Consuming 0-15% of CPU and less than 100 MB of memory. It has been running weeks in a row. A debian package of the host will be available as a public beta at some point.